Thursday 3 March 2016

Another student from Al Quds shot and killed by Israeli soldiers.


Another student from the Al Quds University shot and killed by Israeli soldiers.

From October 187 people have been shot/ killed inn Palestine of whom 46 are under 18 (and 8 are women). We’ve now been told that the FIFTH student (during this time) from the Al Quds University has been shot and killed by Israeli soldiers.

Iyad Sajdiyeh (22 years old) was a media student in his fourth year at the Al Quds University who lived in Qalandia camp. He was the only son in his family. On 1st March, he was on the roof of his house in Qalandya camp when he was shot and killed. 

Here is his picture.…/آلاف-المواطنين-يشيعون-الشهيد-سجدية…

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